Welcome to the µwex project homepage

µwex: M-ultiple U-nix user WE-b site C-reation S-ystem. Itīs meant to be for admins who want to give their (unix-) users with no or little knowledge about HTML an easy online web site creation toolbox within a browser.

The web site is stored in the public_html directory of each user. Creating/Deleting the web site is done by creating/deleting the user! Ideal and (will be) written for Universities and their students.

The software is Open Source, licensed under the GNU General Public License (LGPL). Use it, change it and treat it right. If you need changes/features or want to change anything, contact me or even get a member of this project. Please check this site against software patents and the definition of free software, too.

Download now available at the project download page!

Supported OS: Linux. Solaris/Other Unix platforms will follow. (Relies on the Unix User accounts)
Required Database: mySQL
Programming language: PHP4/Javascript/SQL/(Java).
Application language: German, English will be added later (Maybe somebody will help?).
Required client software/OS: Unfortunately MS Internet Explorer 5.5 and higher is required for the WYSIWYG editor. Therefore MS Windows is required too. A Java version will be implemented later. Therefore no restrictions will apply.

This project has been started 08/22/2002 and more information will be added ASAP.

Use this demo account for a first look. User/Pass = "demo".

Get to my project page for the download, bug report and feature request or find other interesting projects on sourceforge.net.SourceForge.net Logo

If your are looking for a professional CMS which suites nearly all your needs and is totally free too, then have a very close look at Typo 3.

News update:

01/29/2003 - New version "0.6.01 FINAL" is now stable and will be available for download within the next days. There have been many bugfixes and new features as some templates and more configurable components.

01/06/2003 - That´s it, the first public pre-release with version 0.5.00 BETA is now available. You can download it at the project download page.

12/11/2002 - My CMS is making progress. The demo account is activated again, but there are only limited actions possible. Come and watch it grow. I´m considering to make the system completely dynamic, expect some changes.

11/01/2002 - There is a changing of the project. It is necessary to implement a kind of content management system. A mySQL database will be necessary for operation. The schedule for finishing the project is set to the end of this month.
Brief description of the changes:

10/12/2002 - The demo account is temporary disabled due to a replacement of the server software and hardware.

10/10/2002 - Due to massive problems regarding security on the target platform solaris, the project is delayed. I have to find a new way for authentication and some features had to be cut because of the restrictive solaris environment. May be I´ll publish different versions for Linux and Solaris with additional features for Linux, but at the time Solaris has the priority no.1.

10/03/2002 - I have set up the demo account. User: "demo", Password: "demo". Save is disabled for the demo account. You have no rights on this server and cannot publish anything, because this is no real user. You can only get a view into the application, what it does and what not.

10/03/2002 - Now the WYSIWYG editor is fully functional. A demo account will be set up, too.

10/01/2002 - The WYSIWYG editor is ready, but the rest isn´t working yet. Entering ALPHA stage now with version 0.1.21. BETA stage should be reached end of the week. Then all should be working, more or less. At this time no code yet. First code will be the BETA version.

09/23/2002 - Coding has started. I wonīt release any code, because code is changing daily.


Miroslav Šimunic´, 01/29/2003 .